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Culture and Heritage

architecture + sculputure + handycrafts + festivals and traditions + gastronomy + folklore + people

According to our Colombian Nobel Prize Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Colombians have 2 natural qualities:

“Their creativity and the strong determination for seeking personal progress”

Pre-Columbian, Colonial and Postcolonial. architecture colombia sculpture colombia handicrafts colombia

Pre-Columbian: most of this architecture has already dissapeared, because of the use of natural materials such as wood and vegetable fibers. However some of the stone structures and terraces built by the some of the Indigenous groups still remains. One of the most recognized sites is “Ciudad Perdida” located in the middle of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to the north of the country.

Colonial: When Spain colonizers arrived to Colombia, bricks and other materials were introduced in the local architecture. The cities were constructed according to the royal system, with the plaza in the center of the city surrounded by the church, the city hall, and other governmental buildings. Most of Colombians cities still keep this layout. Villa de Leyva, Barichara, Popayan, Mompox, Mongui and many others are recognized for conserving the colonial architecture and atmosphere, becoming important touristic destinations.

Postcolonial: Durante este período se aprecian las influencias italianas, francesas e inglesas. La arquitectura moderna apareció después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y tuvo su mayor auge después de las década de los sesenta.

Colombia has a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and grains. Thanks to this diversity there are many typical dishes, drinks and desserts in each region. Furthermore. in the big cities there is a wide offer of international food.

Pre-Columbian: San Agustin is known as the oldest archeological site, where you can find a diversity of stone sculptures, many of which show zoomorphic and/or anthropomorphic feautres related to gods. Tierradentro is also recognized for its archeolgical importance.

Colonial: This period was dominated by religious features.

Postcolonial: Since the beginning of the 19 century independent art started to grow, and now a day many Colombian artists try and produce their own original works.

Colombia is a multiethnical country, fighting for the equality and dignity of every culture as a basis of the National Identity. Since colonial times the country’s different races: indigenous, white and black, came together as mestizos.

Pre-Columbian: This art is reknown for the golden artefacts made by the indigenous cultures that germinated centuries ago in the Colombian territory, and which gave birth to the legend of “El Dorado”. This art is better appreciated in the Museum of Gold in Bogota.

Colonial: After the Spanish colonization european styles where also introduced to the indigenous designs, arts, and culture.

Postcolonial: The variety of plants and soil types found around the region helped to create a great diversity of handcrafts ranging from clothes to pottery.

The most famous religious festivities take place during the Easter holyday celebrations in Popayan, Monpox, and Pamplona. Other popular celebrations include: Cali’s Festival, Manizales’ Fesitval, the Silleteros Parade in Medellin. Carnivals and other festivities are also held around the country in different times of the year. The Barranquilla Carnival, the Whites and Blacks Carnival in Pasto, ant the Wayuu Culture Festival are among the most famous and lively.

There is different music originating in different parts of Colombia including the Vallenatio and the Cumbia, the Bambuco, Sanjuanero, Joropo, Currulao, and many others that give life and rythm to everyday life.